
Thank you all so so much for 1k reads! It mean so much to me! 


Hello my lovely besties! 
          I'm having kind of am emotional moment right now. I am writing the final chapter of House of Horrors right now! I can't believe it. It's such a surreal feeling when you realize that something you've been working on, and working really hard on, is almost finished. Once the last chapter is finished, I will most likely post the rest of the chapters all together, because why not! 
          I thank you all for reading, and voting on the chapters, it has helped me a lot in staying motivated to continue writing. I also want to thank @wakewritewrath for all her help with this novel, it has been such a fun experience writing with you!


@romance_writer_x I’m so excited for you! Completing a novel is such a huge accomplishment and milestone. Proud of you, bestie! ❤️