
hi !!!
          	published chapter 32 of yours truly! have fun reading mwah  
          	love u all, 
          	meg :)


this message may be offensive
          yours truly quick announcement:
          ive been busy but ive been working hard to map out the best storyline to give u guys for this book. i know i left y’all on a major cliffhanger bc i was re-reading the book myself and i was like “??? im actually evil.”
          this story means a lot to me and i want to give you guys the absolute BEST chapters to read so i apologize if ive been taking forever with the updates but ive got my shit together now. updates will be more frequent and i would expect one in the next week!! i hope u guys are still fans and are excited to see how maia and tristan’s story shapes out to be because im excited for u to read it!
          love u all,


Hello hello my beautiful readers!! I’m sorry for the LONG wait but I have finally published Chapter 27 of Yours Truly! It took me a while to get the whole plot in order and give you guys the best story you deserve, so hopefully you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think! Read, comment, and vote!
          - Meg <3


happy new year, i just wanted to say that i love your books and that it probably doesn't mean as much coming from a stranger but i just thought you would like to know


happy new year!! it means the absolute world to me! thank you SO much for reading and supporting because that’s really more than I could ever ask for, I’m so so happy that you like the stories I write! :) 


Hi to my favorite readers (all of you)! Yours Truly Chapter 26 is FINALLY updated! I'm super sorry for the long wait but I think you guys will definitely see that it was worth it. I also want to wish you all a very happy new year and hope that this chapter update was a nice little surprise! <3 
          With lots of love, 