
guess who has been horribly sick since yesterday and is forced to stay home when she has an essay, midterm exam, debate, and project due :D


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i was really proud of myself today for completing a presentation without voice cracks, mumbling, lack of eye contact, shifting, fidgeting, AND i had good posture. i was really happy because usually presentation go to shit but when i told my mom she just said “good.” without looking up from what she was doing and of course that caused a mental spiral of thoughts ranging from “why do you talk to anyone?” to “literally no one fucking cares about you, you’re just a pest, they’d be better off without you” and fuck me bro, i’m so damn dramatic and selfish i gotta start focusing on other people more


@romantic-homicide wait what that's so relatable the same thing happens to me, something small and I go off on a tangent feeling like it's my fault, then I feel really attention seeking and guilty for spending time to feel sorry for myself when it wasn't even that deep... but sorry for making it about myself. what I wanted to say is, you're not alone cz I feel the same, and presentations are HARD so if ur mom doesn't acknowledge it, then I do. and maybe try to rationalise the thoughts in your head, if you're making any assumptions about yourself <3


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@romantic-homicide no bro bc presenting is so fucking hard LIKE OMG ToT for me the problem is I can never ever speak loud enough, so good for u bro hell yeah, u improved and that’s fucking amazing, you SHOULD be proud, im proud, good job and you did it w out voice cracks, mumbling, lack of eye contact, shifting fidgeting AND you had good posture?? Excuse me HELLO?? That’s amazing ToT , and I get the thing abt the thoughts Bro, ruins my whole day, but no nononono don’t listen to those thoughts, you’re incredible, and u deserve to be happy abt ur presentation, ppl care abt u for sure, and I can’t say this enough, but you’ll find the right ppl istg the ppl who make u feel the way ur feeling are not the ppl u should be worrying abt, there are some incredible ppl js like u and u will find them


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and now she’s yelling at me because i don’t eat, and somehow making everything about her while making me feel shit about myself and not even thinking about why i don’t eat or asking me how i’m doing


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just had a fight with my mom and i realized just how fucking disgusting i am, useless fucking waste of air and money that won’t go anywhere in life, why am i even here if i’m just an inconvenience that can’t do anything and makes excuses for everything, and can’t get over their anxiety and depression? 


@romantic-homicide no its okay, to me, "cringe" isn't a valid insult for when you're just being yourself and trying your best. and it made me feel alot better too so dw about that :)