You guys deserve a proper goodbye.
I’m so, so proud of you all for making it past 2022. I think of you more than you know, with specific people being Cherry and Maddie. Life has just been a burden, and it’s getting busy.
Change is so damn scary to me, but 2023 is a new chance at life. A chance to be better than you were in 2022. Kinder, more grateful, selfless. Think of your siblings, and respect your parents (only if they respect and support you though, because if they’ve been nothing but trashy to you, then they don’t really deserve it either :/).
I know I’m a stranger to you, but this stranger holds a strange love for you that swells far beyond the love she has for her life. It’s weird, but I care for you guys. I really, really hope 2023 is nice to you guys. Stay safe with covid, too. I had a fever and it was NASTY.
Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. I’m so proud of the community we have, and the amazing people that are in it. 2021 was hard, and I couldn’t have made it out if not for you. It you’re having a difficult time, message me on discord at uhitstotallyplatonic#9883. I’ll be there for you like you were there for me :)
So that’s it. The final goodbye. I might post some small messages here and there in the future, but this is likely one of the last. I wish you a happy new year, you lovely people :D