
I missed a sixth form interview to my dream school because my address was wrong. I'm depressed af, I'm so happy they're re-scheduling the interview though.


Why did you discontinue space bound? I was really loving that story ):  


@romanticregrets aw it's okay I understand you want to go for something more serious and not childish, that's a new step to making your dream come true. I wish you all the best on your new stories and hopefully your new stories will be a success. And glad you're still doing Jastin cause a lot of people gave up on couples like them when they mature. XoXo 


@speedyfrappe I just lost all inspiration for it. I've really grown and matured over the year and I've just found the story to be rather childish and not what I wish to write anymore. I'm going to keep writing Jastin but with more serious topics that relate to everyone. I hope you can forgive me. x


¡Hola mi amor! I've decided to create an new story called "sleeping with the enemy" and I can tell you now, this book is going to be one of my best written books ever. It would mean the whole world to me if you could give it a cheeky lil read. The first chapter is already up. Love you all.