
this message may be offensive
Fuck this app for real what good is it to take away the Private messages it serves no purpose to cut us off like that and not everyone has the courage to make public posts like this the Private messages were good to keep story comments unclogged and help everyone have a voice in the crowd to take it away cuts us off at the knees 


@ romantorchwick76  exactly I had so many friends heare from private manages t.t 


this message may be offensive
Fuck this app for real what good is it to take away the Private messages it serves no purpose to cut us off like that and not everyone has the courage to make public posts like this the Private messages were good to keep story comments unclogged and help everyone have a voice in the crowd to take it away cuts us off at the knees 


@ romantorchwick76  exactly I had so many friends heare from private manages t.t 


Hello all, Roman here, and I would like to apologize. When I first joined this app, I did so out of a want to read and write. To get away from the toxicity of other writing sites. However, I'm aware that to the majority of people, my work isn't very good and I know why. I rush action scenes, and I provide boring dialog and subpar plots that seem to be my go-to. Those of you who have read my stories deserve better. As it stands, I'm not sure whether or not I'll continue any of them. To be honest, I have half a mind to erase them all. I want to do better. And while I'm at it even if I do continue my stories, I'm not sure I in good conscience will continue with my Harry hogwarts story. I love the harry potter books and the Fandom is my family "Hogwarts is my home" as the quote goes but with how things are going in the Fandom's response to Rowling's words and actions and the latest controversy surrounding Hogwarts Legacy I question my need to enter those waters...I will say my harry story has in my eyes the possibility to be my best work but not at the cost of my beliefs and morals. Those of you who know me know I'm pan as well as genderfluid I've always tried to be a safe space for my fellow members of the rainbow brigade and I refuse to change that for a story......however I'll leave that up to you my dear reader. My stories rest in your hands it is up to you to decide whether they stay or not. There is no time limit to this, nor am I holding out for a large number of responses. If just one person wants me to continue my stories, then I'll endeavor to continue them. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
          With love,


It's my birthday 


@romantorchwick76 it's literally 3 days before my bestie's idk how I forgot


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