
Hello to any potential readers! I have decided that I am going to post at least the first 5 chapters to ‘Plans Upside Down’. I have had this story brewing for a while and I have just decided to put pen to paper— so to speak. If I see interest in it i will continue (ex. reads, comments, and votes) past the first five and into a sequel. As a reader this is a story that I have wanted to read. I hope y’all like it  


Hello to any potential readers! I have decided that I am going to post at least the first 5 chapters to ‘Plans Upside Down’. I have had this story brewing for a while and I have just decided to put pen to paper— so to speak. If I see interest in it i will continue (ex. reads, comments, and votes) past the first five and into a sequel. As a reader this is a story that I have wanted to read. I hope y’all like it