
Been awhile but will be slowly posting a multi gg ship story! Inc your faves:  purinz, petalz, annyeongz, winrina, ryeji, yenyul, seulrene. Something for anyone and everyone. Happy holidays and new year. Thankyou for reading this year and I hope you will continue to! Much love x


Hello I'm Kiki :D and I'm a purinz fic writer from Brazil. So... recently I read some of your works and I would like to ask you if I could make a Portuguese adaptation of ur work "Can you see me?". Obviously I would give you credit!!! I really liked it and I would love to bring a version to Brazilian fearnots, our source of Purinz fanfics in Portuguese is a little scarce... yk? And I want to change that. my tw!tter(X) if you want to stay in touch: @eunchatone


hi! i'm not sure if you'll see this, but i wanted to ask if i can adapt 'i won't share you' into a bbangsaz version. i don't know if yours is the original or also an adaptation t_t there was a bbangsaz version in english, but the profile was deleted :/ i want to adapt it into portuguese


Been awhile but will be slowly posting a multi gg ship story! Inc your faves:  purinz, petalz, annyeongz, winrina, ryeji, yenyul, seulrene. Something for anyone and everyone. Happy holidays and new year. Thankyou for reading this year and I hope you will continue to! Much love x