
this has been my least productive year in terms of writing since my beginnings of writing poetry, largely because I'm essentially in a process of switching styles & going through a lot of changes in my life
          	but hey, it's gonna be worth it in the end
          	by the way, I've finally chosen my new name - I'm Evelyn! ️‍⚧️


this has been my least productive year in terms of writing since my beginnings of writing poetry, largely because I'm essentially in a process of switching styles & going through a lot of changes in my life
          but hey, it's gonna be worth it in the end
          by the way, I've finally chosen my new name - I'm Evelyn! ️‍⚧️


Hey! Just wanted to check in, how are you? It's been a while since you've showered us with some good poetry of yours. 
          I love it when you post.
          Hope you're doing well.


@yalalolaaa Thank you for the kind words. I posted two more poems, and after that, there's honestly no guarantee I'll post for a pretty long time. The poems I added are over two months old themselves.


"Still afternoon. I breathe the early spring air, as memories of past rebirths of nature are unearthed within my mind. I decide not to mind them, as my only duty is to make the most out of the present moment. Love, I’ve discovered, is choosing to be maximally good in the face of misery, a beacon in eternal tempests that surround this existence.
          This spring, wings are sprouting out of my body that is fragile and immovable. I have been unable to look myself in the mirror for quite some time now – I feel that I face a ghost of all my failures, a machination that was destined to fail at the simple purpose of being alive. I deemed all affection undeserved, any chance of redemption inconceivable. Every waking moment was spent prolonging the inevitable collapse."
          I have written a few new poems this year, but I have already started shifting considerably to prose. It feels more natural right now to express poetic thought that way.
          Also, new profile aesthetic!


No new poems in 2024, as I enter a sort of typical period for me of a few weeks without writing anything in the new year.
          A good time to consolidate what I've previously written and plan for the future. In this year, my goal is to put my work further out there, hopefully I succeed in that!


My newest poetry collection, ΗΛΙΟΣ / ΕΡΕΒΟΣ or SUN / DARKNESS, is now complete!
          I will most likely not write in the style present in the collection anymore, since I feel as though I've expressed everything that could be written in it. Inevitably, I will be writing less poetry as a consequence of this.
          However, I recently got an idea for a wonderful story that I think really needs to be told. I have begun planning and writing it, and hopefully in a few weeks' time I'll have most of it done! It could even become my first novel. Its provisional title is "To Be a Person".


Evidently it is *not* complete, as a few weeks on I have added another freshly written poem to it. Moreover, it is likely not the last one, either. Turns out there's still a lot to be inspired from.
            I have written some poetry in the mean time, and have run into a wall with the story. I will try to make my goals for the latter less ambitious for the time being.


i hope you get recognition for these wonderful poems you wrote <3


@yalalolaaa Not a weird question at all, don't worry. I've been questioning my gender the past two years, I'm a guy but with a strong feminine side, and so I had a different identity for a while here. I made a post about it back in June if you feel like reading/scrolling down to it


@ronikorpela wait, btw, ik the question's weird, I assumed you were a girl. But when I read your poems, there was the pronoun "her". So, are you a girl or a boy? Like im sorry if the question's weird but I feel sorry because earlier when we talked in the dm's, in some of my msges i referred to you as "girl". 
            Im sorry lol, if I was wrong. And I'll take my apology back if you're actually a girl.


@ronikorpela I had this book in my reading list, but I totally forgot to read it. Then I was going thru the books in my reading list, and found I hadn't read "Sparkle" and here we go- your pleasant surprise. But seriously, you deserve the appreciation.