You say that you love my books, and I'm very happy that you do. However if you love this story that much, maybe you should read it again, read where Nick tells Millie that they would give her the moon and stars, and that he tells her that he loves her. There are many places where that happens. What I have trouble with is that you are POSSIBLY not 18 and if that is so then I really hope that you don't know about Dom/Sub relationships. If that is so then you are not old enough to read this. If you read the last three chapters again carefully you will find that Millie is quite happy with what is happening. She even thinks that she will kill Nick later on if he says she doesn't need to be punished! Love comes in many different forms apart from the sugar sweet kind of high school love that most people write about on here. As for the person that you agreed with, she is a serial commenter, she has commented many times before and always in a negative way no matter what the chapter was about. I tend to mostly ignore her and let her get on with it. I do thank you for reading the story, but please try and understand that the two men do love Millie and she loves them.
Again i did not mean any disrespect, however i did not know that person was a serial commenter. i am a 16 year old going on 17 real soon. but sorry to tell you i do not like to read a story over and over but i do reflect on some of the in a book from time to time. I am a real mature person for my age and I have a real deal respect for you so I apologize if i have disrespected you in anyway. I know they really do love Millie but i don't see how people find "pleasure" in being beaten., but I'm not Millie so please carry on and do what you got to do okay, you are a talented writer and really good with your books so keep it up.