
Hey, guys.  I know there isn't a lot of you and I don't know how many of you like Marvel, but one of my favorite shows got canceled.   I'm not sure if you heard, but ABC's Agent Carter show was canceled, and there are still a lot of fans who are trying to get Netflix to take over the show.  I was wondering if you guys could sign it. I'm sure you guys would help a lot.  Thanks, for reading.  
          	I've been taking a break from writing, but since its summer, I really will try and write more.  I love you guys.  Thanks for reading.


I just finished reading A New Chapter-(after the Legend series)... I think is one of the best fanfics I've ever read. I'm so sad it had to end so soon. What about the new Legend fanfic you started? When will we be able to read??? I beg you, I really need this fanfic!! :)


@yaralppes Hey!  Thank you sooo MUCH!  Feed back is the best motivation.  I've been busy with summer assignments for school and I've beeb revising the first chapter for of my new fanfiction because i want it to be really good and i want to it to represent how much I've grown as a writer.  I want the best for my readers!  Thanks!  I can promise you it'll be very soon!


Hey, guys.  I know there isn't a lot of you and I don't know how many of you like Marvel, but one of my favorite shows got canceled.   I'm not sure if you heard, but ABC's Agent Carter show was canceled, and there are still a lot of fans who are trying to get Netflix to take over the show.  I was wondering if you guys could sign it. I'm sure you guys would help a lot.  Thanks, for reading.  
          I've been taking a break from writing, but since its summer, I really will try and write more.  I love you guys.  Thanks for reading.


BONJOUR, followers.
          I'M planing to write three more stories....they keep me busy.
          One will be a futuristic/Fantasy/dystopian society sort of story.
          The next will be a Medieval/1500-1600s/ sort of time period story.
          AND finally, because I got most of my followers due to my one direction fan-fic...I'M WRITING ANOTHER 1D Fan-Fic
          Anywayz, I'll keep you guys posted, so please check them out when I write the first chapters... :D ~Rookiegirl


To any of my followers that actually read my books..I want to ask you guys something
          I know I have a few new stories, but most of them are fanfics and the others are about real life problems.  However I've really been wanting to write a new story about a dystopian future.
          Sort of like Diveregnt, Legend, and hungergames.  I would create my own plot..of course.  So I want your opinions...what do you think?


ATENTION if any of you guys have been reading my Legend, new chapter, story thingy..thingy?  but anyway, i want to let you guys know that i took out some chapters, and i'm changing the story line a yea, Plz read it if you haven't.  LUV you


Hi guys, i know i say this all the time, but if you would plz give me a shout out to anybody,  really.  or don't's your choice.  but yea anyway...if i sound too pushy or annoying then i'm sorry, to who ever is reading this, which in the end, really nobody is but...yea so -_- >-<  ;'( mm-kay bye