Hey guys!!
Sorry I have been MIA for ages!! I been focusing on my graduation and future for a bit. Lots happened. They have been a bit of ups and downs in my personal life and I need to find myself so I had to take a break and compose my thoughts and slowly I build up and found the strength which I had lost. Things had been dark, but I gave myself time and It’s good now better I would say so finally I am back and I’m very very sorry and I can’t apologise enough for leaving you guys like that. So from now on there will be updates non-stop and this year I will be finishing up two stories that is the after effects of violet, clove, volume two and midnight games with a new book coming out in December or as a early gift to you in the summer June.
So hold onto your seat, because now the chapters are going to be full of drama, excitement, tears and betrayal . Lastly, thank you for always supporting me and reading my stories, you all have been a great audience. And keep supporting me like this. Thank you so much.
XOXO Swan , rosavet :)