
Hahaha i accidentally said "your asses fell somewhere on the ground" and i meant "your ashes fell somewhere on the ground"  and nobody even realized i said it except my cousin who just started dying laughing and i  died along with her.


Hahaha i accidentally said "your asses fell somewhere on the ground" and i meant "your ashes fell somewhere on the ground"  and nobody even realized i said it except my cousin who just started dying laughing and i  died along with her.


Hey! Thank you so so much for following! I really appreciate it! If you wouldn’t mind, I would love it if you would check out my book ‘All I Have’ and let me know what you think! Hope you’re having a wonderful day and keeping safe, healthy and happy! - Maggie x


@roscpctals01 of course, I would love to!! I’ve got a few books to get through first but I’ve added yours to my library and I’ll get round to reading ASAP!! Thanks so much!! - Maggie x


@MaggieFinnegan Hey of course i will as long as you read and vote on my book I will do the same on yours have a amazing day!


OMG im in my art class and my teacher wanted us to look up a cornucopia and draw it and a girl said "what in the holy bible is that?" and EVERYONE died laughing and i swear i need to be friends with her. Thats it i love you all goodmorning/goodafternoon/goodnight


I got my nails done with my gf today she kinda went on a spoiling me spree which really annoyed me because i hate when she buys me  stuff even when she is in town but thats it i just wanted to say that i love you all, goodmorning/goodafternoon/goodnight byeeeeee