Hello everyone! I set up a writer's tumblr where I will post stuff about my stories and maybe post stuff there before I post it on wattpad (ie: Previews to new stories once tea and honey is done, news about things in my stories) mostly because I just like posting stuff on tumblr. My writer's tumblr is: http://writer-rose2640.tumblr.com/ please go follow me! And my personal tumblr is: http://rose2640.tumblr.com/
The one shot has been posted! It somehow turned into Animal!Lock. I don't know what happened. It's called One Shot Party!!!!! And I am going to post all my one shots from now on into that story.
Hello so I found scholastic's story starter and it is for kids but it's awesome and random and weird to the max so I am therefore going to try some of the ideas from the scrambler multi-genre wheel of death as a writing exercise and I'm going to post them.
Hello! If you did not know I updated twice today! Yay! Also: I have a tumblr! My tumblr is: http://rose2640.tumblr.com/ please go follow me! It would mean a lot! Oh, do you guys think I should make a tumblr for my stories? So post the links to my stories and tell you when I update and post writer's inspiration and all that stuff (Along with pics of loki)