Hello everyone! So, me being the idiot I am logged out of my wattpad account whilst on a social media detox and lost the sticky note that had my password on it(I have the memory of a goldfish). I was able to find it tonight whilst unpacking from my holiday and thank god I did because we hit 26K reads! I honestly cannot thank you all enough for all the love and support I've received over the past 8 months!
On a not such high note, I was re-reading over All It Takes tonight and I'm sort of not happy with the work I've produced and spotted multiple errors and feel although everything moved a tad too quickly. Saying this doesn't mean I am discontinuing All It Takes in the slightest but I want to work on new projects just now and then 100% revisit All It Takes in the near future!
Once again I really appreciate the lovely messages and comments I have received during my absence, I truly from the bottom of my heart love you all.
- Rose