
I've been trying to write A chapter and OMG i dont know it'll be this hard compared to when i was a  free mindless soul, i'll be updating Theorem Of Love in just a bit sksks i hope everyone is not silently murdering me for the delay ;)


@rose_yoonmin wassup lol i have the same pfp as your bg picture 


I've been trying to write A chapter and OMG i dont know it'll be this hard compared to when i was a  free mindless soul, i'll be updating Theorem Of Love in just a bit sksks i hope everyone is not silently murdering me for the delay ;)


@rose_yoonmin wassup lol i have the same pfp as your bg picture 


i know ive been saying these for the fourth time ever, but im coming back. i have ideas, and definitely emotional wreck plot. im sorry for being on hiatus for so long. After completing my highschool during march ago, im currently continuing my studies for Foundation in Medical Studies ! 
          HElp. im currently cringing on some of my stories that i wrote when i was 15.  phew. this account will not just need great constructions, but great idea as well ;) 
          stay tune lovelies, rose is coming back.


@rose_yoonmin I am excited. I really missed theorem of love 


@rose_yoonmin ; ROSE HEY HI <33


Update its been 20 hours, i still am dying


@chittaprrrgguk thank you i just got back from another appointment though


@rose_yoonmin I thought I asked you to get off your phone and take some rest BB GET WELL SOON ILY ☁ 


I am having my sickness attack and in pain for 5 hours. I want to cry to somebody but I remembered that i am the person everyone cried to..  i am the independent girl and i hate to look weak infront of anyone so here i am feeling lost; i want somebody to talk to to whisper its okay  i want to be healthy again everybody thought my sickness was a joke, a laughing stock. My doctor has told me last Thursday how i wouldn’t be able to cure unless i did a surgery. And i dont know how long i could stand for this pain..


@winTAEbear_bts_love dear i wish you the best for your health!! :'( im cured fully now and i hope that you would smile again like i am right now!!