
guys i need help finding a fic !!!!! if you've read a fic about mermaid josh/ocean lover tyler please let me know. im searching far and wide and i can't find it. 


i gave my crush a bunch of old man polos because he's stylish and becus christmas. he freaked out and was like "ahhhhh i love them all imshdhdjf" so that's nice. 
          he gave me one of his drawings, some ring pops, a giant peppermint stick, some art from a thrift store, and a small bag of off-brand lucky charms. incredible.


i love love LOVE you all. this news is so disheartening, i know. but bad leaders happen. trump will be held accountable for his actions. he's the president, not a sovereign king. we can fight back with our voices, peacefully. riots and violence and slander and spite and hatred won't get very far; it'll only divide us even further. write letters to your representatives. speak out.  we are so powerful, and we don't even realize. this country belongs to US. WE THE PEOPLE. these next four years may be horrible, and they may be not-so-bad. either way, we get to decide. for now, stay safe, darlings.