Its a new year, and I just want to make sure you’re enlightened by how valuable this site is. This is gonna be your year.
Write. But do not write for the numbers, write for yourself.
Read. But do not read to seek attention, read to be involved in the craft of another vessle.
Love. Love every person who has invested in your story, love every vote and every comment good or bad, but mostly love yourself. You have committed so much time and poured so much your essence into beautifully written words. In 2020 please look back and see how strong your writing has become.
Cheers to a new decade, join me as we change Wattpad and re-shape this community. In the next 10 years we will put books on this site and leave behind a piece of our mind for the generations behind us to read and relate to. We are the future of wattpad, please continue to flourish. DO NOT GIVE UP.
I wish love to every writer on this site and I wish the best for your story. Message me anytime if you want me to read and support you in your journey ❤️