I remember being a little girl, screaming the lyrics to Love Story. I remember blasting You Belong With Me and dancing like the girl in the Music Video. I remember listening to Fearless and wanting to be the girl who dances in the rain.
I remember watching a girl take over the world with her voice. Telling girls all around the world to always stay Fearless.
And then, I remember the same girl watching all her hard work, years of her efforts, her thoughts, her music being taken away from her. I remember her watching helplessly as a man forcefully took control over her catalogue, and sold it to the very person she hated with all her heart. I remember seeing her fight for the rights to own HER WORK.
Now, I see her taking full control over her life and legacy. She owns the songs she wrote as a teenager sitting on her bedroom floor. The songs I grew up listening to. She is standing up for what is hers, taking control over her life and her work. She is fighting against the blatant sexism and patriarchy in the society. She is reclaiming her identity, and I couldn't be prouder.
She is Fearless.