Hey, loves. I hope none of you is being hard on yourself. I know it's hard to love yourself sometimes, but those are the times when you need to be softer to yourself. Give yourself some time to heal. If you are not feeling well, or are in a slump, then, force yourself to take a long warm bath. It's hard to make yourself move when you don't feel good mentally, but do it. Take a warm bath, let your muscles be relaxed. Then, put on some comfortable clothes (pyjamas work the best), make yourself a cup of tea or coffee (whichever you prefer), put on some happy music and relax. Breathe. You deserve happiness and peace of mind. Just let go of negative thoughts, forget the pressures of the world and Relax. You are amazing. And I love you so much. Stay safe, hydrated and positive. Lots of love, Rose. P.s. You are wonderful and hold the universe inside yourself. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise, you beautiful human