
Hi everyone! I'm back with some very exciting news. 
          	You might have noticed that Sun and Shadow came down from my profile recently, but it was with good reason. As of today, I am a published author, and Sun and Shadow is now available on Amazon! You can find it at
          	Thank you so much for all your support.


Hi everyone! I'm back with some very exciting news. 
          You might have noticed that Sun and Shadow came down from my profile recently, but it was with good reason. As of today, I am a published author, and Sun and Shadow is now available on Amazon! You can find it at
          Thank you so much for all your support.


Hi everyone! I know it's been a terribly long time, but I'm doing well and I hope everyone is too.
          I'm writing to announce that I've shuttered my Wattpad account (... if you couldn't guess already). The good news is that I've migrated to Tapas recently! All the same stories will be going up there over the next few months. I hope to see you all there too!


@rosemaryandrue I'll look for you :) I'm on Tapas too :D


My profile there is peravalipooja.


Hi guys! I hope you've all been having lovely holidays :)
          I've just posted the first chapter of Causative Effect, a superhero mystery novel about conspiracies and cults and a college student trying desperately to scrape her life back together. Be sure to check it out!


Hi everyone! 
          First thing's first: Sun And Shadow has passed 1k reads and 250 votes! I never dreamed my confused shepherd princes would get so much love. Thank you so much for your support! 
          Now, onto the actual announcement-y news: I'm releasing a new novel! Causative Effect is a character-driven mystery masquerading as a superhero novel, with cults and subverted superhero tropes and red herrings galore. The first chapter will be out December 28, and I'll be posting new chapter twice a week. Add it to your library so that you won't miss the first update!


Good day~~
          So I was wondering who are your inspirations? Or maybe any favorite books?


@rosemaryandrue I also find Greek mythology very interesting, it's extremely fun to read about! I'll check out the book you recommended! The authors you mentioned seem to be really great too! ♡♡


@Caroline_Wissa I was very into mythology (Greek and otherwise) growing up, and in the year before I wrote Sun And Shadow, I read Robert Graves's Greek Myths and Madeline Miller's The Song of Achilles (the former is kind of academic, but the latter is lovely and I totally recommend it!). So when I wanted to write a light-hearted story, the setting was already on my mind. Really can't remember how I came up with the central concept, though.
            Generally, I write a fairly eclectic range of genres, so I wouldn't cite any one writer as an inspiration, though I do have specific works influenced by specific writers. I really like Terry Pratchett, Agatha Christie, and the web serial writer Wildbow. My favorite book is Stella Gibbons' Cold Comfort Farm. I also really love historical romance, which is probably coming out in my story :)