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less than a day left till first sahoor, i am so exiteddddd <33

mwah mwah

Wie geht's dir???

Ramadan Mubarak, Herzblatt. Du zuckersüßer Herzensmensch! ❤️ Mögest du einen gesegneten, heilenden und friedlichen sowie wundervollen voller Erleichterung bringenden Ramadan erleben, ameen ❤️

@wirfdiemaskeweg dankeschön, inşaAllah hast du und dein Umfeld auch einen gesegneten, erfolgreichen Ramadan ❤️

less than a day left till first sahoor, i am so exiteddddd <33

3 days left til ramadan <3

@Slave_of_Ar-Rahman amiin, and may Allah lets have a place in jannah for you, your loved ones❤️

@rosenliebende اللَّهُمَ بَلِّغنَا رَمَضَان [Allāhumma baliḡnā Ramaḍān] oh Allāh, grant us the ability to reach Ramadān.❤

Worried? Change your worry into prayer. And Allah will change your prayer into the best miracle. For Allah never rejects a sincere plea of his beloved servants nor does He ignore the ones who call Him with love and tawakkul. Stressed? Allah will never leave your hands empty. Don't give up. Allah will make you laugh. Allah will bless you immensely. Tired? Don't give up. It might seem impossible. It might seem nothing is happening but trust Allah. The Knower of the unseen, The Capable, The Doer of whatsoever He intends, The One who can make your dreams, your reality. Because when Allah is your Lord, dreams can come true and beautiful things can happen for you. Hopeless? Don't lose hope. There was hope even in the belly of the whale. So don't think there's no hope for you. Your silent pain will heal soon. Trust Allah. Pray. Wait. Trust. @Slave_of_Ar-Rahman

Hey Berra, wie geht's dir? :)

@rosenliebende Ich würde mich riesig freuen, aber wegen mir musst du dir keine Umstände machen

@sturmwolkenblau- schade, aber ich werde sonst pinterest wieder herunterladen und einen Link durch Elin/Emi weitergeben

one week til ramadan <3

Passt auf euch auf <3