
I don’t pretend to know the sufferings of those who have died or been hurt as a result of hate crimes, or the loved ones of those killed. I know nothing can bring those people back, no matter how unfair it is that they’re gone. But, everyone who is reading this, let us raise our voices in support of those who suffer, and let us combat the negative with overwhelming positivity. For every act of violence, let there be ten thousand acts of kindness. For every act of intolerance, a million acts of acceptance. And for every act of hate, let there be innumerable acts of love. Maybe we can’t stop people from hating others, but we can do our best to show love and kindness to everyone, and let us be a light in our dark world.
          	Have a great day/night/whatever it is where you are.


I don’t pretend to know the sufferings of those who have died or been hurt as a result of hate crimes, or the loved ones of those killed. I know nothing can bring those people back, no matter how unfair it is that they’re gone. But, everyone who is reading this, let us raise our voices in support of those who suffer, and let us combat the negative with overwhelming positivity. For every act of violence, let there be ten thousand acts of kindness. For every act of intolerance, a million acts of acceptance. And for every act of hate, let there be innumerable acts of love. Maybe we can’t stop people from hating others, but we can do our best to show love and kindness to everyone, and let us be a light in our dark world.
          Have a great day/night/whatever it is where you are.


Hey everyone. I just wanted to say something in response to the recent attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. It brings me great sorrow to hear that yet another hate crime has taken place, and this post is my small way of responding not with more hate, but with positivity.
          I am both angry and sad every time I hear that another person has attacked others out of hatred because of their race, religion, sexuality, gender, or a long list of other ways people can be different. As much as I resent these acts of violence and intolerance, however, I cannot respond with more hatred, because that only creates a cycle of wrongdoings. We as humans naturally respond to negativity with more negativity; the better course of action is to love good more than we hate evil.
          The world is a screwed-up place, there’s no doubt of that. There are people so caught up in their own opinions that they are unable to see the virtue in those different from them, and this is very sad. However, I refuse to believe the world is all bad. It’s easy to think so sometimes, but I refuse to be that cynical, because if all hope is turned to cynicism, what point is there to living? “With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world” (Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata”). (More in another post, as I’ve exceeded the character limit again.)


The conflict in the story mainly involves my main character's negligent, belligerent father. I don't have the greatest relationship with my own father, but I have never experienced any sort of abuse from any of my family members, and I realize now that I had no right to write about something that I know little to nothing about. It's not that I made fun of it or anything-- I didn't, but I did not do even an adequate job of portraying it as the terrible thing that it is.
          Lastly, I included underlying conflicts of depression and self-harm. These are real conflicts that I should not have treated as lightly as I did, and again, I have a better understanding of them now.
          This is not me wallowing in self-deprecation. A year ago, it might've been, but now, it's not. I have learned a great deal in the past year, and I simply wish to apologize for the way I wrote about things in my previous stories, which could be offensive-- unintentionally, of course.
          I hope to write more intelligent, well-thought-out pieces in 2018. Best wishes to all of you and thanks for reading!


Dear Readers and Followers,
          First of all, happy new year! Instead of making new year's resolutions this year, I decided to follow through with a promise I'd made to myself awhile ago. You may notice that one of my stories, "Symphonic Love," is no longer published on Wattpad. I have taken it down because I have recently undergone a period of character growth, and that particular story contained many themes and conflicts that did not align with the things I learned since I wrote it.
          The main character of the story is bisexual. At the time when the story was written, I had just made some discoveries regarding my own sexuality, but I did not accurately portray the importance this discovery should have had for my character in the story. Additionally, the story is romance-themed, but the relationship between my two characters is unrealistic and follows the fairy tale view of love I had before I experienced it myself. When I wrote the story, I hadn't even had my first kiss yet, let alone really been in love. And although I still don't claim to know what love is, I have a much better understanding of it now.
           (Part Two of this letter in another post, hang on. 2000 character limit, what even.)


Thanks for adding Band Geeks Will Never Hurt You to your reading list! :)


Of course! Funny story about that book: the first time I read it, I literally had no idea that the characters were band members in real life. However, I still enjoyed the story, just thought it was weird that people were talking about song references in the comments. A couple months later, a friend of mine introduced me to Panic! At the Disco, MCR, etc. and I had this lightbulb moment like, “Oh! That’s what that book was about!” So I read it again and understood most of the references and I just felt so educated. Anyway, it’s a great story. Good job:)