hey loves!
I know it's honestly been a long time since I've been consistently active on here, and for that I'm really sorry. I lost a lot of inspiration and to tell you the truth, I've really drifted away from the GMW fandom. I'm just not as emotionally invested in it as I once was. I'm not saying that I don't still have a soft spot for it, I'll always appreciate the time I spent with it. it just doesn't bring me that much joy anymore. that being said, I do want to start being more active because I really do miss you all!! this account will be undergoing renovation and I'll be deleting most of my stories except for IYA, IYA is my baby and it is still my most precious memory of being on here. I hope you guys understand, I want to be writing things that make me happy and give me that same feeling of adrenaline and buzz of excitement as writing GMW stories did. that being said-please stay tuned! there's much more to come!!