
@awesomedivar5 @spork4me I know, im so excited! :D it has been months! I've just been so busy and been going through a lot of stuff lately. this next chapter is gonna be HUGE! and there's a little... twist... at the end ;)


Pray for Ellie Repost if you care. Hey everyone, unfortunately one of our fellow Wattpad members@DementedWendy is very ill, her name is Ellie and she's a really sweet girl. Though Ellie has a disease that could be fatal, she's been told that she's strong enough to beat it. Please pray for Ellie, that God will use his almighty power to heal her so that she'll beat this disease and continue to shine as a positive influence in this world. I don't know this girl, nor do I know anyone she knows, however no one deserves to die. So lets all pray for Ellie and give her good wishes. Repost this message on your message board and tell everyone you know on wattpad and go give@DementedWendy a follow and a message. Get well Ellie!