
this message may be offensive
Tagged by @inkblack ▽ you guys must follow xena ( @inkblack ) because she is just a little shit
          	Δ You must post thirteen ▽ or I will personally find you and kill you
          	Δ You can't refuse ▽ unless One Direction appeared next to you
          	Δ You shall accomplish this in a week ▽ before I single-handedly kill you using a butter knife
          	Δ You must tag five or more people ▽ and don't you dare tag me back
          	 #1 ▽ I am currently listening to Right Now and it is killing me inside because zayn's voice is perfect #2 ▽ I'm 13 and turning 14 in a few days #3 ▽ doing everything else to avoid what i really need to do #4 ▽ my holiday is only 2 months long and back to that hell hole #5 ▽ in love with one direction #6 ▽ single and not ready to mingle unless you are Louis Tomlinson #7 ▽ addicted to samsung and hates apple (oops?) #8 ▽ aspire to be a youtuber, singer and actor but to scared to start #9 ▽ ed sheeran is bae too #10 ▽ hates cats #11 ▽ two brothers that I hate and love dearly #12 ▽ always feels that I am not good enough #13 ▽ someone please buy me a laptop and then a camera and then one direction tickets
          	Tagging ▽ @KatherineGraceAngeli , @MichaelMoreno379 , @BlackShadowEmerald , @hiddenhimitsu , @itsjustmecamryn and anyone who reads this.
          	© june


this message may be offensive
@inkblack you are a little shit for liking apple in the first place ;) ;)


this message may be offensive
(Takes knife) how dare u like Samsung! (Puts the knife down) AWWWW I'm here to for u and ur totally too good for any guy. (Takes it up again) u called me a little shit. Lol still love u!


this message may be offensive
Tagged by @inkblack ▽ you guys must follow xena ( @inkblack ) because she is just a little shit
          Δ You must post thirteen ▽ or I will personally find you and kill you
          Δ You can't refuse ▽ unless One Direction appeared next to you
          Δ You shall accomplish this in a week ▽ before I single-handedly kill you using a butter knife
          Δ You must tag five or more people ▽ and don't you dare tag me back
           #1 ▽ I am currently listening to Right Now and it is killing me inside because zayn's voice is perfect #2 ▽ I'm 13 and turning 14 in a few days #3 ▽ doing everything else to avoid what i really need to do #4 ▽ my holiday is only 2 months long and back to that hell hole #5 ▽ in love with one direction #6 ▽ single and not ready to mingle unless you are Louis Tomlinson #7 ▽ addicted to samsung and hates apple (oops?) #8 ▽ aspire to be a youtuber, singer and actor but to scared to start #9 ▽ ed sheeran is bae too #10 ▽ hates cats #11 ▽ two brothers that I hate and love dearly #12 ▽ always feels that I am not good enough #13 ▽ someone please buy me a laptop and then a camera and then one direction tickets
          Tagging ▽ @KatherineGraceAngeli , @MichaelMoreno379 , @BlackShadowEmerald , @hiddenhimitsu , @itsjustmecamryn and anyone who reads this.
          © june


this message may be offensive
@inkblack you are a little shit for liking apple in the first place ;) ;)


this message may be offensive
(Takes knife) how dare u like Samsung! (Puts the knife down) AWWWW I'm here to for u and ur totally too good for any guy. (Takes it up again) u called me a little shit. Lol still love u!