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Jeśli komuś nie chce się załadować strona, poniżej jest to, co strona pokazuje:
I am taking a study and I will need as many of you as possible.
The question is: if you could go back in time to the moment of your first cut or suicide attempt, what would you say to yourself?
I'm looking for answers from people who are either going through depression or have been depressed. Answers do not need to be positive - they can be things like "cut deeper". The nature of this study is only scientific and so we need to know the truth. Please don't lie because you feel like you should or it will benefit us more. The truth is all we're looking for.
Answer length can range from one sentence to a paragraph. At the end of the answer please write your name (or "anonymous"), age, age of your first cut/suicide attempt and whether you give the permission for your words to be shared with the public. If we don't receive your permission, your answer will be kept private.
Please send your answer either to this site - comment on this post or send a private message - or send an email to projectdepression@outlook.com