i’m going to be so honest with you. rewriting the first book in the thalia monroe series at the same time as i’m trying to get back to adrian and hope’s story was a mistake. the thalia series is already finished which means i don’t need to do anything to it if i don’t want to. and i do i want to rewrite it but that’s going to take some time and my first priority is and will continue to be adrian and hope’s story. i will however continue to rewrite the thalia series but chapter for chapter so that the ones reading can still do it otherwise the books will be unpublished for MONTHS. the first two chapters in the first Thalia Monroe book have been rewritten. It’s not a huge change but there are a couple of things changed. i think the bigger differences will be noticed later on in act two.
@rougepearls I'm dying to finish book 1 of the Tahlia series. The first book still isn't out to read. Do you know when I should be expecting it?
Do what you can and don’t overwork yourself too much. Taking care of yourself of yourself is the number one priority ❤️