Hiya! So it's been a long time, hasn't it? Well, I'm back, and maybe I'll start posting (regularly) again. (Just maybe, you never know). Anyways the break has been long but good, I felt rather stressed about this account and leaving it was just good for me. But I don't want to forget about it forever so here I am. I've been doing a cleanup, little me wrote WAY too many unfinished things but I'll be aiming for consistency from here on out. If any of you are still here, check out my latest stuff! — Cas <3

And I know so many people here have been wanting more of my Suits Fanfiction, which is oddly popular, so I will be working on editing that and posting it! (You may have noticed I've deleted a lot from here though, which is mainly because I only want to post full stories that I'm actually proud of.)