
Hi there! I just recently published an original work titled “Finding (the way) Home”. It’s a sci-fi take on the exchange program with some LGBTQ+ love thrown in for some fun! While it’s a first draft, I’d love to hear from you what you think about it!


Hi there! I just recently published an original work titled “Finding (the way) Home”. It’s a sci-fi take on the exchange program with some LGBTQ+ love thrown in for some fun! While it’s a first draft, I’d love to hear from you what you think about it!


Do you have an update schedule or is it just whenever? Also I just read the Lost Hero book and I read the Peter p oneshots a while ago and ahaisbkajaowiaheiehwowbwoansw your really great at writing


@IzzyWritesThings I try, although I have most of it prewritten so it's just a matter of actually clicking publish after the last read-through.


Any form of regular updating is good enough for me!


@IzzyWritesThings I try to update every three days, however that falls. Although there are times when I forget, like the last chapter was five days. I'm so glad you like my writing.


Does anyone know how to get a cat from under a couch? We have a new car and it escaped from its room and has hidden under one of our couches. Me and my brother are home along so does anyone know how to help?