
Needing inspiration. (sorry I've been gone so long)


Guess who's baccccckk? :D HELP NEEDED XXX
          I got a few ideas for Mr. Curiosity which I will put in lattterrr,  but I have (yet another) book idea... :D
          I already have a plot and blah <3
          If you have any plot twists for Mr. Curiosity that would be a-ha mazing! ;D


THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! HELLO LOVE! I haven't been on Wattpad in a while becuase of me traveling so I missed your messages! But they literally made my day :). I will come back to the profile love! I was thinking about a story, but I don't even know. (Still in writing coma...sound the heart beat noise) And my profile picture is pretty? EXCUSE ME, LOOK AT YOURSELF! And yes I have a lot of stories from camping/backpacking. If Lauren didn't tell you already...THERE WAS A BEAR. So yes...I will be coming back! Soon my love! 
          Luff You!


NEWS ON MR.CURIOSITY: first off: Dang it... I think I'm going to restart The End Where I Begin...
          With Mr. Curiosity, I'm sorry that I haven't updated recently, I'm not all that busy (well a bit). But I just... it's a little bit hard for me to write for some reason... Anyway: not sure when updation will happen for that. xx