          	Hey guys please check out my friend's book. 


          Hey guys recently I posted an update about my schedule and I'm not sure if you got it so here is a shorten version of it.
          The Perfect Guy is currently on hold I'm at dead end with this one. If you have any ideas plz pm. You might need to read the last chapter.
          Rejected is getting there. Chapter 18 is nearly done plus I'm trying to get to chap 20 so I can post. Also I'm hoping to finish this off in fall of this year.
          Indigo is nearly done, yay. Only 3 more chapters to go. Currently on chapter 9 once I finish chapter 10 then I would post. Might have a sequel.
          Peace will be posted after indigo is finished.
          Well that is all for now. If you are an editor or know anyone who is plz pm.
          Ciao :)


I'm mad u know y it is because of indigo getting votes leavin rejected and tpg in the dust. that i dont understand at least rejected is half way done with 16 more chaps to go and indigo with 5 more and tpg with 18 more but come on.
          srry bout that i just need to get it off my chest.
          updatin map
          tpg- chap 11 is in the writing process just some writers block and laziness in my way of gettin it plus school so yh
          rejected- chapter 15 just needs to be typed 16  is um... unwritten but 17 is writen yh it is weird
          and indigo- ppl it will be typed when i have the time since i want to finish this first so i can start my trilogy so look out for updates


ok Indigo fans. Indigo has just been updated. and im sorry for the long wait but i have a life and school to go to on a daily basis so i cant update. but later on in the week i message my updating map so u know wat to look out for.
          well bye or shall say wat ppl in spain say adios mis amigos