
They could never make me hate you Monty Finch


Omg hey y’all. So um I’m basically leaving the fandom until the Elliot spin-off. I do not care abt any of the others except elliot, Milly, Luke, and drew. So Ninjago’s gonna be the main focus of my acc. So don’t expect anything that’s tmf unless it’s fanart of those four. Anyways, byeeee<3


More stuff. Luke’s character beyond ep 5 was boring af. Like bro your only personality trait is dating Zander like bffr. Ngl don’t Like Zander either. I get it, he’s supposed to be the stereotypical tsundere. But like chill tf out. I mean bro was a runner and a track star during episode 5. I feel like the whole fandom praises him whenever he does anything. Like… he was such a bitch sometimes. I get it, ep 9, not entirely his fault. Idk he just pisses me off.


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Ngl… the whole tmf fandom is LOWKEY toxic. The amount of drama just on WATTPAD. Bro it’s so funny. Everyone is acting so fucking immature to the point where the are doxxing people and harassing them. Like bffr. It’s as fucking GACHA SERIES. Some of you hoes gotta grow tf up.


@deft0nesg1rl FRRR! Like if he say the fannon version people make he would be disgusted. Plus most of the time they make Luke over protective like BRO ZANDER IS THE OVER PROTECTIVE ONE smh


TRUE TRUEE I like lander and haisy but if a person doesn't ship them I'm totally okay with that, and genuinely I hate how people turn Zander into such a gay stereotype as if he's completely helpless and can't do anything for himself ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Ummm so hey ig. It’s been like around a year. So I want to say I’ve left the music freaks fandom. I still watch the series but I don’t consider myself part of the community anymore. So if your here for that you can unfollow me. I get it. I’ve kinda been waiting n a burnout arc lately. So, im still going to be active on this account just no tmf content. Sorry:(