
Hello, I was just wondering if you wanted to see anything in particular in my story that you are reading :)


@rozy922 Hey cuz!I've been reading some werewolf fics for research,so i might write a were fic soon maybe.Also I wrote a new chapter in my fic if youd like to read it.I need some comments!


Also just wanted to add because I miss labeled her- she is psychopathic not sociopathic


@rozy922 It is Cherry like the fruit :) and it is totally your place to ask if I've asked you. You are actually the first one to ask for that, but I totally can do it~ 
            As for her back ground, a brief she is essentially a using Sociopath.  She lives on whims and just how far something can take her whether it is climbing up a business latter and then trading the secrets over to the enemy company or using a drug to get to her enjoyment.  But I'll try to portray that well enough in the story for you eve if it is just a chapter or maybe dusted here or there :).