
anyone wanna do a halloween themed rp ( by that i mean the holiday not the film ^^ - although the film is also good)


you know when you have the sweetest partner in the world and you think that you don't deserve them and then you realize that it's not your fault and someone thinks your the most amazing thing to ever happen and you wanna tell them how you feel but words can't describe it. yes me too. I love you sooooooo much Marley and don't forget it xx


@Marvel_PJO_fanboy i should hope so darling xx


@rpangel15 I love you soo much too Trix I feel the exact same way xx


quick rant - i just realised how perfect and straight my parents want me to be cos they are scared of losing their 'perfect little girl' - i told my dad i was nonbinary and bisexual yesterday and went by they/them pronouns. He told me not to be stupid and that i was a born a girl which means thats what i am. ok ...cool - i accepted it but then my mum started making fun of my depression and told me i just wanted attention - Bitch i wouldn't try and hang myself if i wanted attention i'd just ask for it.
          Can anyone relate to this toxicity , i need people to support me cos my family ain't gonna and i feel kinda outcast from my own family cos i have to lie to them all the time about who i am and i hate it.


@rpangel15 ouch, im so sorry u had to go thru that...coming out can be a very traumatic process when there is no support ://
            I relate to having to hide my real self from my parents n almost everybody irl... I wish people could be more understanding of each other :((