
I've been taking a hiatus.
          	I wasn't as ready to write this book as I thought.
          	I have other, living things that need my attention.
          	When I'm ready, Grace will reemerge, better than ever. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and above all-- for reading.


I've been taking a hiatus.
          I wasn't as ready to write this book as I thought.
          I have other, living things that need my attention.
          When I'm ready, Grace will reemerge, better than ever. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and above all-- for reading.


I know, I know. I'm late.
          I'm so sorry.
          I took a new position at work in June and this month has been crazy.
          New chapter of Grace is on the way.  I'm going to be honest: I do have writer's block, but I'm going to get it done! Should expect the update by Tuesday night.
          Thank y'all for your patience and bearing with me.


Have any of y'all ever worked a Mother's Day Brunch in a restaurant? 
          I'm so sorry I didn't post yesterday.  Part of getting back to Wattpad is getting back on track, meeting deadlines. I'm still a work in progress, y'all. Thanks for bearing with me.
          That being said, new chapter of Grace is OUT and ready to read!
          Next chapter will be June 14th. Danni is launched into her first holiday season without Anthony, and it's the pits. As always, thank y'all so much for reading. Please let me know what you think. :)


Good morning y'all!
          New chapter of Grace is OUT! The next update will be May 14th. 
          Mine Still is in consideration for Wattpad @Romance's "Will You Be Mine" challenge. I don't know how judging works, but please let me know what you think. It gives me the opportunity to be better. 
          Thank y'all for your time, and as always, thank you so much for reading. Have a good day!!


Alright y'all, today is editing day! I'll be re-posting every chapter of Mine Still with minor tweaks, preparing it for submission. Feel free to read but you don't have to, and I'm sorry in advance for all of the notifications! I just want it to be the best it can be before I submit tomorrow. Thank you for joining me on this brief and wild ride. I hope you enjoy Mine Still, my first dip into fantasy romance.
          As always, Grace will be out on the 14th of the next month! Thank y'all for reading. <3


That's a wrap! Mine Still is out and completed! Go read. :) Please.
          I will be updating all chapters tomorrow, so I'm sorry in advance you may get notifications I'm publishing. Feel free to re-read if you like. There are some minor changes like sentence re-structures and things like that. No major plot updates. I just want this to be the best it can be when I submit to Wattpad @Romance's "Will You Be Mine" challenge! 
          Your reads, comments, and votes could make a difference for me. I'm not sure how much it all weighs in to the overall judging but please, let me know what you think! It'll make me a better writer. Thank you all so much for your time.
          Next chapter of Grace will be posted April 14th! Happy reading.


Hey y'all, new chapter of Mine Still is up and out! Let me know what you think. :) Two more chapters left! The "Will You Be Mine" challenge is coming to a close on March 31st, so the next two chapters will be up within five days. I'll update the chapters I've edited only once at the end, so as to avoid confusion for anyone. The completed version will be available March 31st!
          Thank y'all so much for reading. I hope you enjoy. :)
          Stay tuned for the next chapter of Grace, available April 14th!