
Stop Hate Am Gon To Kill My Self Lmao


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@rpgirl1027830283639 Stop lying, you been on wattled for like 3 months now.  And you laughing your ass of that your gonna die? 
          	  Bruh, you just called someone a faggot and that they should kill themselves. Fraud.


Let me correct you, if you were really 18 years old then why are you stealing art and why are you telling the person that she is a faggot
          Because that doesn't sound like an 18 year old would actually do
          But if you are really 18 you gotta act mature since your a teenager
          If not your maybe 13 below. 


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Imagine how it feels to be told to by someone to kill themselves? I have no sympathy for you, I honestly hope you rot, such a waste of air. Bullying is wrong, and if they actually kill themselves, you can get arrested. I'll make sure to report your ass, make them track you down, and arrest you. People like you, make me feel ashamed too even be part of this generation because of your bs.


I thought Canadian people were supposed to be friendly.


The meanest one of my Canadian Friends has been to me is bumping into me and not saying sorry.  


            Yeah we are, she's just one of those basic bitches