


Why was everyone so quick to say age is just number when the news of Momo and Heechul came out? That's  both a creepy and untrue statement. Kpop fans are stuck way too far in their idols asses,because if it were a non-kpop couple those same people would be the ones to call the relationship disgusting, the hypocrisy.


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Heechul's morals are messed up.Why in the fuck would you date someone who is not only 13yrs your junior, but also someone who was mentored by you and saw grow up? What person in their right mind would do that sort of thing?Age is not just a number nor does legal equal right.Heechul is a 36yr old man and he thought it was pleasant to consider dating such a young woman in whom he saw grow up.Normally any person with a working brain would feel either motherly or fatherly after seeing a person grow up that you helped mentor.I'm happy for them but I'm disturbed greatly by Heechul, I really am.Oh well, that's life for you.