fp jones story Name: Bastet culture Sapphire davis age: 19 Height:5'2 Birthday: October 31, 2003 Jobs: She owns a shop called Sapphire beauty shop and antique shop called Eden Garden of History Powers: manipulate time,medium ( see and talk to ghost), lie detection,electricity, and combat fighting. Best friends: Jughead, Cheryl, Josie and her group, Veronica,Archie, toni, sweetpea, and others. She loves reading,writing, drawing, singing, and watching movies. She loves history and her family. Outfits https://pin.it/2yIIjRU2i https://pin.it/3UIlLyU6B https://pin.it/5Z2sBmgup https://pin.it/7J1hKEZuS https://pin.it/50fqb8VSG https://pin.it/6NVNyZzGL https://pin.it/5fk2IZQDW https://pin.it/5Kogyejs6 https://pin.it/5LC6LRG1e https://pin.it/6jjhkzE9T https://pin.it/212zUgbVm https://pin.it/539D52zks https://pin.it/4eQUwxWv2 https://pin.it/6fAVfmWU6 https://pin.it/4EADo33mH Jewelry https://pin.it/6tCAN3zZS https://pin.it/2WBBUCNcT https://pin.it/3rSFdrosl https://pin.it/67XvYPyX3 https://pin.it/ua9ohAKd3 https://pin.it/DycqGakub https://pin.it/3oJ6phozz Hairstyles https://pin.it/29FfcrqN3 https://pin.it/29FfcrqN3 https://pin.it/B7hjn1I1v Face claim https://pin.it/bnWo9FcNd Her crest https://pin.it/2wtIvHfcC Her outfit is for twilight when she meets Fred and fp https://pin.it/1gBNiLgLI Hair https://pin.it/3pCkn1SKF