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Hi Ruby
Thanks for the wonderful votes. They mean a lot. You are such a sweetheart.May God bless you.
Keep supporting Kai and Anya pls.
Have a great day
Take care and keep smiling
Heyy ... thnks .!! But I just read ur book in the morning and it was so beautiful and I fell in love with it !! And u too keep smiling and have a good day !
Hey....guys...I have started to a write a story and it's my 1st attempt..plz check it out and do let me know ur thought and plz do vote and comment..thank you
And one more thing i am there main characters selection i like if you would tell me. It will be ok if you msg me. As you may have read in today update
@YASMINAjaz .....I liked and voted ur story I never comment on any ones story...it's like not my type cuz I really don't know what to write and what not to...do if I have any thing to u I definitely message u n say instead of saying in comments...stay bless and may ur hard work and dreams come true
Hello there I don't know you but you seem nice so I'll just go ahead and ask plz read my story it's called The Real Me and tell me what you think.love you!