
Hi Guys!
          	I’m really sorry if I don’t update 14th member anytime soon, Exams are next week for me so that what I’m focusing my time on right now! I know I’ve never exactly been co consistent with updating, I’m super sorry about it!! I’ll try my hardest to get the next one done. Coming up it the 50th chapter of 14th member, and believe me it’ll me jam packed! The planning is done, all that’s left is to write it of course! Please look forward to it ~
          	Here’s a little tiny sneak peak! (DO NOT PROCEED IF YOU DONT LIKE SPOILERS)
          	She stands and spins on her heels. Her face drops and turn pale as she recalls the face in front of her. Chris. Chris Bang. 


Hope all is well!


take all the time you need


Hi Guys!
          I’m really sorry if I don’t update 14th member anytime soon, Exams are next week for me so that what I’m focusing my time on right now! I know I’ve never exactly been co consistent with updating, I’m super sorry about it!! I’ll try my hardest to get the next one done. Coming up it the 50th chapter of 14th member, and believe me it’ll me jam packed! The planning is done, all that’s left is to write it of course! Please look forward to it ~
          Here’s a little tiny sneak peak! (DO NOT PROCEED IF YOU DONT LIKE SPOILERS)
          She stands and spins on her heels. Her face drops and turn pale as she recalls the face in front of her. Chris. Chris Bang. 


Hope all is well!


take all the time you need