
@ForeverHalfFull heyyy! how's band camp? lol, can u believe its been a year since we joined wattpad? i still remember when u introduced me to fanfiction. i really miss u, too, and i love you!!! :'( we need to hang out sometime soon! yeah, she is, kind of. once, at a sleepover we wrote the beginning of a story together, but she made her own account a while ago, so idk if she still wants to be. i should ask her... 


@ForeverHalfFull heyyy! how's band camp? lol, can u believe its been a year since we joined wattpad? i still remember when u introduced me to fanfiction. i really miss u, too, and i love you!!! :'( we need to hang out sometime soon! yeah, she is, kind of. once, at a sleepover we wrote the beginning of a story together, but she made her own account a while ago, so idk if she still wants to be. i should ask her... 


@princessgummybuns @rubyrose98 hey gurllll whats up?? its soo funny to me that yalls accounts are both so new!!!! how coincidenty! and we all know who each other is/are/whatever so duh of course we arent rapists... its not rape if u like it and u wouldnt pay for somethin u dont like right?