
Hey everyone, I'm so sorry for the delay. I really want the story to be perfect and this has been stopping me from updating it, as I feel like it's not where I want it to be just yet.


You wouldn't possibly be able to make the previous version available again while rewriting? 
          I understand wanting to remake the story until your perfectly happy with it, but would love to read this story again (as it was) in the interim because I haven't found anything quite like it  on wattpad - you are a fantastic author. 


@C00kiez1223 aw thank you so much!! keep an eye out, chapters will be coming out soon!


I started writing "Days of Noir" back in 2018 while I was in a desperately unhappy relationship. I have continued to come back to it over the last four years, through a messy break-up and lots of life lessons lived and learned, always promising myself that I would finish it one day - and now is the time. I have re-named it "I bleed honey" and have re-written it, as my writing style and storytelling style have changed a lot over the last few years. It's still a work in progress, but I am so excited to share it with you. I don't know if any of my readers will still be here, but when I promised that the story would be finished, I meant it. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement over the years. Updates to follow! Ruby Rus x


@rubyruswrites Hello!! Welcome back and hope you are better now. I remember texting you about the story updates because I loved it so much and the way you write is very captivating. Very excited to read the story. Keep doing the great work!! Thank you for writing again. 


@rubyruswrites Yes, my friend, I am here ;) Aww, thank you and you are very welcome! Lol Ruby, I am super super excited. Seeing your message and the story notification totally just made my night. Thank you so much for returning and for continuing your story. Sending warm hugs and love your way ☺ :)


@Jen-Bookworm-82 Jen! You are awesome, I appreciate your support so much. I should have Chapter One up today. Sending lots of love your way x