I found her account on Insta that she is active on (Yes, I made sure it was her.) and it just seems like she's living her life, in which as she should. Do with this information as you please but if you do find her account that she is active on, don't go on to harass her or spam on her comments if she's coming back, in which I don't think she is. The last time she updated it was back in 2022 on "The Apex Shifter". A two whole years. So like I said, don't go harassing her on her Insta about if she's coming back. Just let her live her life in which it looks like she's def living it. If she does want to go back to this account, let her take her time. And if she doesn't, oh well.
Anyways, that's all I have to say. Use this information as you please. (Don't go harassing her.)