/ HEYY GUESS WHO’S BACK .. cb && optional specify and / or drop . this applies to
@rudeshadows (this acc)
@pieceofirene (aphmau shalashaka)
@shadowedsilver (sasha alexandra)
/ HEYY GUESS WHO’S BACK .. cb && optional specify and / or drop . this applies to
@rudeshadows (this acc)
@pieceofirene (aphmau shalashaka)
@shadowedsilver (sasha alexandra)
/ all of gene’s relationships are open! just ask for a spot ++ tell me your character’s name && i’ll add them <3 (his relationships are listed in his bio!)
/ / the urge to make either lucinda, cadenza, kawaii~chan, jeffory, kacey, levin, malachi, michi, nekoette-tan or nicole is so strong so here .. let’s do a vote to help me decide-
1 - lucinda
2 - cadenza
3 - kawaii~chan
4 - jeffory
5 - kacey
6 - levin
8 - malachi
8 - michi
19 - nekoette-tan
10 - nicole
Raising his eyebrows, he looked amused just listening to Gene rant. “Okay okay I’m sorry to interrupt but two things. First off, I don’t give a fuck. And second off, what’s all of this about again? I stopped listening like a minute ago.”