
Like bro I don’t know why but whenever I read a fanfic I always find your pfp in the comments so today I decided to just view your profile hahah. BYE.


@mmmmm2345678 it's okay! I haven't stopped reading altogether it's just that wattpad is starting to get a little boring for me. Nothing new or interesting and most of my favourite authors take so long to update. Believe me we're all friends around here x


@rudstyles Oops! I am sorry I didn’t even notice that you replied.But are u trying to say you don't read that much now? If that's so the why did stopped reading and yeah of course I did laughed alot at your comments hahah I love the comments because I have no friends irl so sometimes I feel like directioners who read wattpad are all my best friend hahah 


@mmmmm2345678 hahaha yeah there was a time when I was reading almost everything, hope they made you laugh x