
a big update (lil timmy tim will be making an appearance) on forbidden will be made this week, be on the lookout for it !! once again, I’d like to remind you guys that updates will become more frequent once I finish online school, which is soon!! huge thanks for getting forbidden to 18k, it’s freakin insane!!!! I absolutely love all the feedback I’ve received so far and just know I see and appreciate them all !! 


a big update (lil timmy tim will be making an appearance) on forbidden will be made this week, be on the lookout for it !! once again, I’d like to remind you guys that updates will become more frequent once I finish online school, which is soon!! huge thanks for getting forbidden to 18k, it’s freakin insane!!!! I absolutely love all the feedback I’ve received so far and just know I see and appreciate them all !! 


I’ve been getting a good amount of comments asking me to update FORBIDDEN and simply wanted to say that it’s been a struggle to update bc I still have online school to finish up in three weeks and I struggle to write good chapters for you guys !! Updates will come but they will be slow until I finish up online learning, so please be patient with me luvs !! Huge thank you to those voting, reading and  leaving thoughtful comments, it makes my day !! Sit tight until i finish up school and I can assure you updates will be more frequent 


@rudypankakes take your time! i know how stressful the struggle is to update when sometimes you’re just not in the mood and / or just busy . like i said take your time take your time <3 i love the story btw!!


revival announcement; although revival is currently on hiatus, slow but major editing will be happening throughout the entire book !! Hopefully I’ll be able to gain back my love for Grey’s Anatomy through editing to continue writing more chapters !!


Great news, thank you! Just do what you feel is best for you :) 