Hello everyone! First of all, happy BINJIN year!! What kind of alternate reality/heaven are we living in? I sometimes still can't believe the news!
Secondly, I realize it's been a while since I've updated Front Page News and No Grave. I'm working on them, trust me! Binjin confirmation, writer's block, and a busy real life have thrown me for a loop. Also I wrote so many one shots in December that I think I got a bit tired, haha. However, I've picked up my pen again, and can't wait to share more of these stories with you soon.
To tide you over, you can of course check out my one-shots (they're on my profile). I'd love to see what you think of "On Butterfly Wings." Also, my good friend @Ednamode101 just released a new chapter of "These Little Games" from @triofics. Check that out if you don't mind the heat!
Stay safe always <3 Hoping to update soon.