
Hey guys! Cat and I are trying our bests to get back on @RedneckFallenAngels to post new chapters, but for some reason we can’t log into the account. We’re trying guys!


Hey y’all! I’ve been at my cousin’s house for the past couple of days and the service ain’t too good here. And I’m not gonna lie I’ve been cleaning, baby and dog sitting and vengeful watching a The Dukes Of Hazzard. But I’ll be sure to update soon!


Hey Skins! Working on a new chapter! I'm sorry I have been busy lately with watching my nephew and working! Buuut its Friday night, and I'm not doing much besides chilling with Cat (on the phone), and we always be writing together! Can't wait for y'all to read what I'm writing! Also, be sure to check out a new story I have coming out soon!


@runsnfngoses Soon enough The Singer's Daughter will be released! We can't wait to show what's going on with it!


Hey Skins! I planned on posting another chapter yesterday but I didn’t finish it. And today I was busy with guitar today. Might post something later on tonight because I’m trying to finish the chapter, but nothing is coming to mind. So if I don’t post tonight I’ll definitely post some time tomorrow. The chapter is SO close to being done. Hell I might just leave it at a cliff hanger for y’all. We’ll see.