
The rather mean-spirited Eomer/Lothiriel story I've been working on has spiraled a bit out of control. We're 3 parts in right now and I'm not finished yet. I think I'll be able to wrap it up in 4 parts. At this point I'm thinking I should split it out of the Prose Arda and into its own book.


What happened to the star age story?? It was so good!!!


Omg thats amazing!! So excited


@Light____ it's not dead, per se. i'm nearing the end of my degree and have been knee-deep in writing papers and book chapters. i hope to jump back into it soon-ish!


The rather mean-spirited Eomer/Lothiriel story I've been working on has spiraled a bit out of control. We're 3 parts in right now and I'm not finished yet. I think I'll be able to wrap it up in 4 parts. At this point I'm thinking I should split it out of the Prose Arda and into its own book.


I updated twice in two days! Sadly, I won't be able to keep up the momentum as I have finals and a paper due this weekend, but I'm taking a semester off, so maybe I'll have more time to pick up some loose story threads this winter. Lothiriel's journey continues tonight in the Prose Arda at the Field of Cormallen, where we meet whom you might expect.


Hi all! Began a new (short) story in the Prose Arda. That was originally set out to be a volume of flash fiction, but I have a story that's a little too long for one chapter and not quite long enough for a whole book percolating, so we're getting a story which will span a few chapters in the near future. Part one is up! Part 2 coming later this week, featuring some friendly faces.


So this "slight reworking" of Sulûn seems to be averaging 500 or so additional words per chapter, and I expect that to increase as I slog through the narrative and get into the meat of why I took this editing pass. I'll be unpublishing and republishing chapters as they are rewritten.


Taking some time to read back over Sulûn, which is culminating in an editing pass, plus some slight rework. I feel as though the quality of my writing fell off as I began to focus more on moving the plot along. fun fact: this is the only story that I've outlined in advance, which is actually making certain things more difficult. I did this sort of thing a few times with Quendilindalë as well, but no one was reading me then so I was less self-conscious about doing it.